Thursday 6 September 2007

Plots #1 (Kendra Durene)

Kendra Durene comes "home" from her beloved the big city to her childhood, small-town entrapment. Bruised and broken, she goes to the only place she can think of; an old friend's house whom she hasn't spoken to in five years. At first he asks no questions and lets her stay in a back room with the instruments. Over the next few days answers come out and we learn of a powerful ex-boyfriend in New York that she had a bad break up with. Austin and Gary (guys who live in the house) fill in the blanks with the good possibility of long term abuse and maybe even rape in the end. Austin always remembered her as the happy-go-lucky, ready-to-get-out best friend of his high school sweetheart, Becky. Back in the day, Kendra would hug any acquaintance instead of waving, and always stayed up late to listen to him talk about his troubles and 'if only's. Gary wasn't as close to her, but never forgot what bonded them all those years ago; a love of Johnny Depp and Modest Mouse. However, now Kendra mostly keeps to herself, flinches when touched, and listens to more Beatles and Blue October than anyone else in the house knew existed. Sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll is the understated motto of the house, and Kendra who used to be clean as a whistle now pleads all but the first. As the weeks go by, she gets a part time job and eases up a bit. On late nights with Zantex, Kendra tells the boys stories of her impressive lifestyle of the years gone by. Landing a few off-Broadway roles and closet full of published articles paid the bills until she landed a job as assistant to the chief editor of the Village Voice. Still, no amount of whiskey or amphetamines can persuade her to talk about how she came to be so skiddish or who pushed her over.
One day a young man arrives in town looking for an old friend of his named Kendra. Word that she is at Gary's has already spread through the 9,000 town's people twice over, and the stranger is driven to the house by a cousin of Austin's. Showing up at the door with the suspicious explanation of wanting to find his old friend Kendra, the guy is immediatly pummeled by Austin and house-regular, BJ. Thinking that this deceptively strong guy must be the asshole who hurt Kendra, Austin's fist collided with his nose as the mystery man pushed BJ to the ground. Kendra hears the rucus and runs to the door to see her old boyfriend and current bestfriend Tim. Yelling at BJ to get off of him, she flings herself into Tim's arms. Austin is taken back as this is the most physical contact she has had with anyone since she arrived five weeks ago.

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